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Thu 6 Jun 2024



Cambridge AS Resits

Entries for Cambridge AS resits in the November 2024 series are now open. If you are considering re-sitting an AS exam in November 2024 you will need to think carefully, be strategic, and weigh up whether adding another set of external exams is really in your best interests. Information about Cambridge AS Resits is now available for students to collect from the Front of Hall, Senior Side. If you have any questions, please see Dr Etty. The deadline for resit entries is Friday 2 August.


External Examinations

There are external examinations in school at the moment. If you see one of the 'Exams in Progress' signs, please move away quietly.


Internal Assessment Extension Applications

While it is essential that you are in School, completing class work and internal assessments, if at all possible, if you are unwell, the School would prefer that you are at home recovering and not at School potentially infecting others.

If you have missed or will miss an internal assessment deadline or in-class assessment and you have a legitimate reason for being absent, you may be eligible for an extension.

You can collect an application form for an extension to a deadline on an internal assessment from Student Reception. You must do so on the day you return to School, and be ready to provide a medical certificate as supporting evidence for your application.

If you missed class time as the result of an approved School activity, you do not need to complete the extension application form.


NZQA Scholarship Entries 2024

Entries are now open for NZQA Scholarship exams in 2024. NZQA Scholarships carry significant prestige, and are awarded only to the top 2-3% of the national cohort in a particular subject. NZQA Scholarships are not qualifications but instead are monetary awards given to students who enrol at a tertiary institution in New Zealand. Auckland Grammar School has a strong record of success in NZQA Scholarship and in 2023 our students achieved 217 Scholarship passes. Students in Forms 5-7 who wish to enter NZQA Scholarship examination(s) should carefully consider whether they are suitable candidates, and should also note that applying for entry to an NZQA Scholarship examinations represents a commitment by students to attend all exams entered and make a reasonable attempt at the paper.

In particular, Cambridge students should compare the dates of Scholarship and Cambridge exams and avoid setting up unnecessary clashes by choosing to enter Scholarship exams on the days when they will have Cambridge examinations. The timetables for all Cambridge and NCEA end-of-year examinations are now on display on the Examinations noticeboard in the corridor between A10 and A11.

Information and entry forms can be collected from the Front of Hall, Senior Side, and completed forms must be returned to Dr Etty. The deadline for forms to be handed in is Friday 2 August.


Scholarship - Classics

There will be a tutorial today after school in C2. This will focus on the Roman option in Section B.


Science Bowl Competition

The Science Bowl is a test of scientific and mathematical knowledge that combines teamwork with scientific understanding in a rapid-fire trivia competition.

If you wish to sign up for the 2024 Science Bowl competition, or to find out more information, go to Physics Lab P4 at the start of lunchtime today. All form levels are welcome.

If you cannot make the meeting, and wish to sign up, see Mr McClelland or Mr Fry in the Physics Office.


Term 2 Clash List

A reminder that any student with a clash in the upcoming examinations must consult with the draft Clash List that has been published on the noticeboard in the corridor between A10 & A11 for their individualised solution. If there is a problem with the solution offered, please see Mr Oram. The deadline for confirming the clash list is the end of week 8.



Bridge Club

Meet today at lunchtime in P2.


Form Class Photos

The final Form Class photo day is tomorrow, Friday 7 June. The schedule for the day has been placed on the pillars around the hall and students are asked to check this carefully so that you can be at the right place at the right time. Please note, no student will be permitted in the photo if they do not meet our grooming standards.


Headmaster's Heritage Committee

Meet today at interval in H3.


Headmaster's Welfare Committee

Meeting at lunchtime today in B6.


Programming Group

Meet in T10 at lunchtime today.


Restricted Driving Licence tuition

Are you worried about sitting your restricted driver licence? In B14 at lunchtime on Thursday SADD group students will be running a tutorial on what to focus on to help you pass. All are welcome.

Student Services

Student Services

STAR Enrichment Courses for July School Holidays

STAR Course registration is now open for students interested in learning new skills and exploring career pathways. For more information, please see Ms. van Deventer in Student Services or check our GrammarNet page.

Student Services

Victoria University Information Evening

Victoria University invites you to an information evening on Monday, June 10th, from 5:30 to 8:30 pm, held at the Aotea Centre in Auckland City. Learn the ins and outs of studying in the capital.



Headmaster's Cultural Committee

The Headmaster’s Cultural Committee presents two performances today at lunchtime in the Heritage room.

There will be a KPop dance by Korean Modern Dance group. This group is also performing at Korean Cultural night this Friday 7 June.

And the Indian Cultural Group has a musical item with traditional Musical instruments.

Staff and students are invited to come along.



Mountain Biking

Meet in H1 at lunchtime.

Room Changes

Room Changes

4K Science

Go to Te Ara p.1.

Room Changes

Mr Gunson's Pre-Q Geography

Go to T10 period 7 today.

Room Changes

Mr O'Neill-Fuller's Level 3 Physics

Go to T10 p.4 today.

Room Changes

Mrs Etty's 7th Form English

Go to TA1, p.1.