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Daily Notices

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Fri 10 May 2024



Classics Scholarship

Meeting today at lunchtime in C2. Please see Mrs Hay-Mackenzie if you cannot make the meeting to register interest.


Tuakana Teina

The Tuakana Teina group will be meeting in the study centre at lunchtime today. All students, including new members from all form levels are welcome.


UE Numeracy

There will be a meeting for all senior students enrolled for the digital UE numeracy standard at interval in L7.



2025 European History Tour

Any senior history student interested in joining the European Tour who couldn't attend yesterday's meeting please see Mr Sparks or Mr John today.


Auckland Mathematics Olympiad

All students taking part in the Auckland Maths Olympiad tomorrow morning, must meet Mr Lee at interval today in B6.


Augusta Army

Augusta Army t-shirts are now on sale through the school shop for $28.00. They are available in-store and online, there is limited stock available.


Economics Society

The Economics Society will meet in A10 at lunchtime today. Any students still wishing to join are welcome to attend.


Headmaster's overnight briefing

All students attending the Form 6 Leadership Camp next week, are required to meet today immediately after assembly, front of hall senior side, for your overnight briefing with the Headmaster.


Headmaster's Social Awareness Committee

Form 7 members please meet at start of lunch in C15


Muslim Prayer Group

Members of the Muslim Prayer Group are to meet in P7, at lunchtime today.


Rainbow group

There will be a meeting today at lunch time in room E2.


The Christian Group - The Rock

The group meets today at lunchtime in Room B16. All are welcome to come along.

Student Services

Student Services

The University of Auckland

Form 6 and 7 students are invited to attend a presentation on studying at The University of Auckland during lunchtime on Monday 13 May in Centennial Theatre.



Debating - Junior Open

All third and forth form students from the junior open teams are to meet in E7 at lunch today.


Media Group 48Hr Film Contest

Meeting for Team 2 only at Interval today in A1
Meeting of both teams 1 and 2 with Mr Bannan today, lunchtime room A1



Football -13B3

Meet in PE2 at interval today with Mr Dunlop.


Football -14B1

Students from Mr Wright's football team are to meet on the fields at the Domain, close to the museum at 8:30 on Saturday. Students who do not have the correct uniform, including shin pads, will not be allowed to play.


Rugby - 2B

All 2B squad members are to meet in B5 at the start of lunchtime today


Rugby - 6B

Meeting in B17 at interval today


Rugby - 7B

Meeting for all 7B rugby players at interval in H7.


Rugby- Under 14

Meeting in D4 at lunchtime today.


Squash - B1

Mr Blackwell's B1 Squash team are to meet in PE3 at the beginning of lunch time today.


Squash - Social Team 2

Social Squash team 2 meet in PE 1 at interval today


Squash - team 4

Please meet with Dr Carr in S8 at lunchtime today


Table Tennis

All players must check the Table Tennis notice board today, as there has been a change to the draws for the matches tonight. Some teams will no longer have a bye and some teams will now have a bye. If you have any doubts, please see Mr Lee at interval today.

Room Changes

Room Changes

3A English

3A go to T11 for English today.

Room Changes

Dr Etty's Form 7 History

Go to Te Ara period 3 today.

Room Changes

Miss Lee's 3F Science Class

Please go to T11 period 2 today.

Room Changes

Room Changes for Cambridge Examinations

Due to this morning's AS Biology examination, the top floor of the Science Block is unavailable for regular classes before interval.

Room changes for labs S7 - S12 for periods 1 and 2 are posted on the noticeboards on the ground floor of the Science Block, and outside L7.

The following room changes are required for this afternoon's AS Business and AS History examinations, starting at 1:00 pm in the Study Centre:
- Period 5: Mr Dyer-Causton’s 7 Study class go to L7
Mr Keshwara’s A2 Chemistry go to H4
- Period 6: Ms McGowan’s 7 Study class go to L7
Mr O’Neill-Fuller’s Level 2 Physics go to G4
- Period 7: Ms Gaspar’s 7 Study class go to L7
Mr O’Neill-Fuller’s 4G Science go to G3