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Daily Notices

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Thu 9 May 2024



Scholarship - Classics

There will be a meeting tomorrow at lunchtime in C2. If you cannot make it, please see Mrs Hay-Mackenzie to register interest.


Asian Cultural Group

Free tutoring is offered by experienced senior students over a wide range of subjects during Thursday lunchtime. Come along to G6. All are welcome.


Biology Scholarship

There is a meeting at lunch time in S3 for all Scholarship Biology students.


Maths Olympiad

Maths Olympiad Club would like to invite students that may be interested in the challenge of solving difficult Mathematical problems to a meeting at interval today in B11. The meeting will explain the intensions and the activities of this group.


Physics study sessions

The Physics department has launched a weekly Physics study session. Students can bring their homework or challenging problems from any of the Pre Q, NCEA or Cambridge courses and get assistance from accomplished 7th Form Physicists and staff. The sessions begin this afternoon from 3:30-5pm in Physics Lab P4.


University Entrance Numeracy

There will be a meeting for all senior students enrolled for the digital UE numeracy standard on Friday at interval in L7



2025 History Tour

Any senior students interested in joining the 2025 European History tour are invited to attend a meeting in H7 during interval today.


Augusta Army

Augusta Army t-shirts are now on sale through the school shop for $28.00. They are available in-store and online, there is limited stock available.


Duke of Edinburgh Bronze

There is a meeting in the Centennial Theatre during Lunchtime today for students taking part in the Bronze Qualifying Journey in the Coromandel.
A reminder that gear collection will take place at the Sports Centre straight after school today.


Geography - South East Asia Tour

Meeting for all going on tour on Friday lunchtime in H4


Headmaster's Welfare Committee

Meeting for the Headmaster's Welfare Committee members at lunchtime today in B6.



The Library will be closed from the end of period 6 (2.35pm) today.
It will not be available for students after school.


Programming Group

Meet in T10 at the beginning of lunchtime today.


Relay for Life

There is a meeting, for all students taking part in the Relay for Life, at interval today in LS6.

Student Services

Student Services

The University of Auckland

Form 6 and 7 students are invited to attend a presentation on studying at The University of Auckland during lunchtime on Monday 13 May in Centennial Theatre.



Art Folio's from 2023

Students wanting their Art folio's from 2023 can collect them from the Art dept Foyer. They must be collected by Friday 17 May.


Headmaster's Heritage Committee

Meeting today at interval in H3.

Form 7

Form 7

Form 7 Camp leaders

Four camp leaders are needed for camp in Week 4 from Wednesday 22nd to Saturday 25th May. See Ms Gaspar for more information.



Mountain Biking

Meeting for all Mountain Bikers in H1 at lunchtime today.



Team lists for the Auckland Grammar Social Squash Competition will be posted to the Squash Noticeboard outside B1 by lunchtime today. The lists will also be posted electronically to the Squash page on GrammarNet.

Please ensure you know what team you are in and listen for further assembly notices as your team manager will call a meeting tomorrow or on Monday.

Games begin on Tuesday, 14 May, so please ensure you come prepared with a racket and non-marking shoes if you are scheduled to play.


Table Tennis

Meeting at interval today in B6 for all Table Tennis players. Reminder that matches start this Friday evening.

Room Changes

Room Changes

Dr Etty's Form 7 History

Go to Te Ara period 4 today.

Room Changes

Mr Wolfkamp's Level 3 Trades and Construction

Please go to T1 for their period 7 lesson today.

Room Changes

Room Changes for Cambridge Examinations

In preparation for tomorrow's AS Biology examination, labs on the top floor of the Science Block are unavailable for regular classes after lunch today.

Room changes for S7 - S12 for periods 6 and 7, are posted on the noticeboards on the ground floor of the Science Block, and outside L7.