Touch Rugby
Premier Touch Rugby Team (Forms 5, 6 and 7)
The Premier Touch Rugby team play in Terms 1 and 4, with the team being selected after a trial process in Week 2 of Term 1. Advanced Form 3 and 4 students will be considered for selection in the Premier team.
Junior Touch Rugby (Forms 3 and 4)
The Junior Touch Rugby team play in Term 4 (the team will be selected after a trial process in Week 2 of Term 4).
After the 2022 Touch Rugby season wrapped up, Headmaster’s Heritage Committee member Mark Galloway spoke to 2022 Captain of Touch Rugby Boston Krone. Boston has a number of years experience playing Touch Rugby and he spoke about his goals for playing for New Zealand and how being a boarder at Tibbs House helps him work through the balance between sport and study – watch the full interview below.
General Information
Game days:
- Seniors: Wednesdays after School at Dilworth School from 4pm-6pm
- Juniors: Tuesdays after School at Grey Lynn Park from 4pm-6pm
Practice times: Mondays 3:30pm-5pm or Tuesdays 3:30pm
- Seniors – $10 for the Term 1 Zone tournament
- Nationals – $60 in Term 4
- Juniors – $10
Equipment: PE shorts and touch boots. Singlets will be provided
Registration: Seniors in Week 1 Term 1 and Juniors in Week 1 Term 4
Master in Charge: Mr Pope. Students are able to speak to him in the Commerce department during the School day or contact him via email.