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Proceres Grammartici: Field Trip to the Liggins Institute

Proceres Grammatici group members will visit the Liggins Institute on Thursday 25 August, where they will meet with post-graduate academics, view their current projects and gain an understanding of how important research is to tertiary study.

Examination Briefing for Cambridge students

Auckland Grammar School

Form 6 and 7 students within the Cambridge stream - as well as students in 5A and 5B - will have their examination briefing Friday 30 September, the last day of Term 3 and their final day of classes before study leave commences. Students in classes 7A-7H will have their briefing during period 6 (1:55pm-2:35pm) […]

Examination Briefing for Form 5 and senior NCEA students

Auckland Grammar School

Form 5 and Form 6 and 7 NCEA students will have their examination briefing on Friday 28 October on their last day of classes before study leave commences. Form 7 students (classes 7C1 to 7H1) will have their briefing during period 4 (11:45am-12:25pm), Form 6 students (classes 6C1 to 6I1) will have their briefing during […]

Pre-Q Examination Briefing – 4A and 4B

Auckland Grammar School

Students in classes 4A and 4B sitting Pre-Q Mathematics will have their examination briefing in the MMT at lunchtime on Monday 31 October.

Form 5 Pre-Q Exam Paper Review Day

Auckland Grammar School

All Form 5 students will return to campus on Friday 18 November for the Pre-Q Exam Paper Review Day, where they will receive feedback on every subject throughout the day. The School day will revert back to the normal bell times, finishing at 3:15pm.

Form 5-7 Option Changes

Auckland Grammar School

Students in Form , 6 or 7 wishing to make option changes prior to the start of the 2023 academic year must come to the Deans' Suite during the day on either Thursday 19 January between 10am-3pm or Friday 20 January between 12pm-3pm to organise.

Form 5-7 Option Changes

Auckland Grammar School

Students in Form , 6 or 7 wishing to make option changes prior to the start of the 2023 academic year must come to the Deans' Suite during the day on either Thursday 19 January between 10am-3pm or Friday 20 January between 12pm-3pm to organise.

Scholars’ Assembly

Auckland Grammar School

The School will hold its annual Scholars' Assembly on Friday 17 February from 9am to congratulate the School's top scholars for 2022. This special assembly highlights the accomplishment of the School's mission - Auckland Grammar School will provide young men with a rigorous academic education. Each young man is expected to pursue excellence in acquiring knowledge […]

Form 5 ‘Study Skills for Success’ Presentation

Form 5 students will take part in a presentation entitled Study Skills for Success in the Centennial Theatre on Monday 27 February. Students in classes 5J-5R will have their presentation during periods 1-3 (9:30am-11:45am) and students in classes 5A-5I will have their presentation during periods 5-7 (12:25pm-3:15pm).

Form 3 ‘Study Skills for Success’ Presentation

Auckland Grammar School

Form 3 students will take part in a presentation entitled Study Skills for Success in the Centennial Theatre on Tuesday 28 February. Students in classes 3I-3R will have their presentation during periods 1-3 (9:30am-11:45am) and students in classes 3A-3H will have their presentation during periods 5-7 (12:25pm-3:15pm).