Important Notices from the Headmaster – March 2025
Social Media
We have taken time over the last four weeks to remind students of their online responsibilities, and how these relate directly to the Harmful Digital Communications Act.
While we acknowledge that social media does have some benefits we have reminded our young men that their behaviour on all social media platforms must be respectful and appropriate at all times. In particular, we have and will continue to remind young men not to:
- Display images or send messages that may offend or harass another person
- Create, send, save or share material that may bring them, our School or a member of our community, into disrepute
Should a student identify himself as a member of Auckland Grammar School in any online environment he will be considered under the authority of the School and subject to School Rules. We encourage you to continue talking to your son about how to interact positively in any social media forum.
Should you have any concerns please contact Associate Headmaster – Operations Mr McNaughton via email, your son’s Dean or one of our Student Services team.
Smart Devices
Auckland Grammar School does not permit mobile phones or smart devices to be used or visible on our campus between 8am-3:30pm. We do acknowledge that some students wear smart watches. The School currently permits these to be worn for the functionality of telling the time, however, accessing digital content remains prohibited during School hours. Within the context of internal and external examinations, smart watches are not permitted to be in an examination venue.
If your son does bring a smart device (other than a watch) to School, it should be kept in his bag at all times and be switched off. We recommend such items are not brought to School as we cannot be responsible for their whereabouts or loss. Furthermore, personal electronic equipment may not be used on School trips.
If a student is found using a mobile phone or smart device it may be confiscated by a teacher and delivered to the Deputy Headmaster Pastoral – Junior School Mr Askew, who will store the device securely for seven days.
Your son may see Mr Askew after School any time after the seventh day to retrieve the phone or device. Please support us by not requesting the device to be returned any sooner.
Mountain Road
Please consider Gates 1-4 closed for vehicular access at the start and end of the School day.
We do ask that parents do not drive vehicles into any of the School gates on Mountain Road at the start or end of the School day. This is not practical and vehicular traffic at peak times of the School day poses a significant risk for our 2,750 young men who are entering or exiting the School grounds on foot.
Please be aware that for health and safety reasons Barnett Crescent has electronic bollards nearest to Clive Road. These remain up during the School day.
If you are dropping your son off or picking him up, please do this in one of the streets around the School, rather than in front of the School or by trying to enter Gates 1-4. We appreciate your co-operation in this regard.
Daily Notices
The notices read to the School each day in assembly are available to all young men and parents on our website and on GrammarNet. You are able to access these online and discuss some of the activities available to your son.
School Cross Country
This year’s School Cross Country will be held as scheduled at the Auckland Domain on Friday 14 March.
Lost Property
Parents are reminded that all student uniform and personal property should be named. This allows lost property to be immediately returned to students who have misplaced items.
Students are encouraged to report directly to the Student Office at the end of each School day to check for uniform or equipment that they have lost.
There has been much positive feedback about how well presented our students are and we too commend them for meeting or exceeding basic standards of dress and appearance this year.
Sports uniform
As young men join various sporting codes to represent Auckland Grammar School, there is a set uniform that young men must purchase.
While representing the School it is expected that young men wear their sports uniform correctly and abide by School Rules.
Students not dressed in correct sports uniform will not be permitted to play for the School at any stage. It is also expected that associated registration fees be paid on time, prior to playing. If fees are not paid or an arrangement is not made with the Master in Charge of the sport, unfortunately, young men will not be permitted to play.
All items of sports uniform can be purchased from the School Shop. You will find that many of the uniform items can be worn across a number of codes, hopefully saving parents in the long run. We would encourage you to see School Shop manager Mrs Galuvao to purchase your son’s winter sports uniform before the start of Term 2.
Students who are selected in Premier teams should consider purchasing a blazer and full formal uniform for inter-school fixtures before the end of term.
School Rules
As part of best practice, we continually review and refine our systems and procedures.
Our rules are important in creating a safe physical and emotional environment for students and staff. The general safety of our young men and the provision of a structured, challenging environment suited to the development of boys and young men is of paramount importance to us. Please find a link to the School Rules here.
Should you have any questions regarding the School Rules, please contact Executive Assistant Ms Watson via email.
Student Driven Vehicles
Form 6 or 7 students who have completed the School’s permission process to bring a vehicle to School, do have permission to drive a car to School. Under no circumstances are students permitted to bring a vehicle to School until they have completed the permission process. Students at other form levels do not have permission to drive a vehicle to School.
Students may not park in the School grounds.
Please note that permission to drive to School is granted at the School’s discretion and this permission may be revoked for instances of inappropriate or illegal driving.
We remind parents and our young men that this permission does not extend to carrying passengers, unless both the School and parents have approved it in writing. This permission process includes School-related extracurricular activities.
Please contact Deputy Headmaster Pastoral – Senior School Mr Lobb via email for further information about student driven vehicles.
Winter Sports Codes
Registration for winter sports will continue to take place in the weeks ahead. Many young men will begin trialling for Premier teams from Week 9 and all other teams from Week 10 so that they are ready for strong competition very early in Term 2.
We do encourage all students to get involved with at least one winter activity and your son’s involvement will be logged in our Student Management System and will be noted on in his mid-year report. If your son is not involved in the wider life of the School please discuss this with him and us, as it is part of Grammar life.
As with summer codes, young men who are absent from School on a Friday will be deemed ineligible by the School to play sport on a weekend. This applies to mid-week inter-school fixtures as well, where a young man is absent the day prior to or day of an interschool fixture. School attendance and academic studies are a clear priority.
A reminder also that where young men are involved in activities that return late at night, that without exception, they are expected to be at School the next school day. This includes international tours and regional or national tournaments.
2026 School Year
As advance warning for the 2026 School year, please be advised the academic year will start on Tuesday 20 January for all year levels. All key term dates for 2026 can be found on the School Schedule.