Assembly Performance – Pipe Band
Assembly Performance – Pipe Band
During daily assembly in Term 3, there will be weekly performances from a number of the School's Musical groups. On Monday 26 August, the Pipe Band will perform to the student body.
During daily assembly in Term 3, there will be weekly performances from a number of the School's Musical groups. On Monday 26 August, the Pipe Band will perform to the student body.
During daily assembly in Term 3, there will be weekly performances from a number of the School's Musical groups. On Wednesday 11 September, the Symphony Orchestra will perform to the student body.
Form 6 and 7 students will sit their Term 3 examinations between Friday 13 - Friday 20 September. Each examination will be three hours.
Form 6 and 7 students will sit their Term 3 examinations between Friday 13 - Friday 20 September. Each examination will be three hours.
Form 6 and 7 students will sit their Term 3 examinations between Friday 13 - Friday 20 September. Each examination will be three hours.
Form 6 and 7 students will sit their Term 3 examinations between Friday 13 - Friday 20 September. Each examination will be three hours.
Form 6 and 7 students will sit their Term 3 examinations between Friday 13 - Friday 20 September. Each examination will be three hours.
Form 6 and 7 students will sit their Term 3 examinations between Friday 13 - Friday 20 September. Each examination will be three hours.
Junior students students (Form 3 and 4) will sit their assessment week during the last week of Term 3 (Monday 23 - Friday 27 September). Each assessment will take place during one scheduled period during the week.
Junior students students (Form 3 and 4) will sit their assessment week during the last week of Term 3 (Monday 23 - Friday 27 September). Each assessment will take place during one scheduled period during the week.
During daily assembly in Term 3, there will be weekly performances from a number of the School's Musical groups. On Wednesday 25 September, the winner of the Senior Minister's Plate competition will perform to the student body.
Junior students students (Form 3 and 4) will sit their assessment week during the last week of Term 3 (Monday 23 - Friday 27 September). Each assessment will take place during one scheduled period during the week.
Junior students students (Form 3 and 4) will sit their assessment week during the last week of Term 3 (Monday 23 - Friday 27 September). Each assessment will take place during one scheduled period during the week.
Junior students students (Form 3 and 4) will sit their assessment week during the last week of Term 3 (Monday 23 - Friday 27 September). Each assessment will take place during one scheduled period during the week.
Friday 27 September (the last day of Term 3) will be the final day for Cambridge students in Form 6 and 7 before study leave commences.
Form 6 and 7 students (and those students in classes 5A and 5B) will have their 2024 Cambridge Examination Briefing on Friday 27 September, the last day of Term 3, in the Centennial Theatre. Students in classes 7A-7H will have their briefing during period 6 (1:55pm-2:35pm) and students in classes 5A, 5B and 6A-6I will […]
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