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Te Reo Māori

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Kei ngā mana, kei ngā karangaranga maha. Tēnā tātou katoa.

“Ko tōku reo tōku ohooho, ko tōku reo tōku māpihi maurea” – My language is my awakening, my language is the window to my soul.

Form 4

Prerequisites: Form 3 Te Reo Māori or by consultation with the Head of Te Reo Māori.

Course description/aims: The focus of this course is to further develop the language skills of Whakarongo (listening), Kōrero (speaking), Tuhituhi (writing) and Pānui (reading) in Te Reo Māori. Students will also continue their development and understanding of Tikanga Māori.

Course outline: 

  • Te Haerenga ki te Tāone (going to town)
  • Mahi Hākinakina (sports and leisure activities)
  • Ngā Mahi a te Rā (daily routines)
  • Tōku Akoranga (my class)
  • Te Hararei (planning a holiday)
  • Manaakitanga (hospitality)
  • Introduction to Te Reo Vitality

Methods of assessment: There is a one-hour examination and two two-hour examinations, assessing reading and writing. Students will also complete regular vocabulary tests, end of unit tests as well as listening comprehension tests and speaking assessments.

Continuation of subject: Pre-Q Te Reo Māori.

Form 5 (Pre-Q)

Prerequisites: Form 4 Te Reo Māori or by consultation with the Head of Te Reo Māori.

Course description/aims: The Form 5 Te Reo Māori course aims to develop students’ ability to communicate and converse in Te Reo. Students will use language strategies to enhance their fluency and proficiency in Te Reo Māori. The course will focus on various language modes and skills, including delivering mihi to a target audience, engaging in oral dialogues, creating instructional videos, and analysing the impact of historical factors on the vitality of Te Reo Māori before 1970. Students will also explore the Māori principles reflected in the language’s words and structures. Furthermore, they will learn how to use language accurately and effectively in different contexts and scenarios.

Course outline:

  • Te Ao Taiohi (youth life)
  • Hākinakina (sports)
  • Tangata Rongonui (famous people)
  • Historical factors on the vitality of te reo

Methods of assessment:

  • 1.1 – Te Ora o te Reo – ā-roto (Listening) [6 Credits, Internal]. Students will use language strategies to develop their fluency in Te Reo Māori
  • 1.2 – Te Rere o te Reo – ā-roto (Speaking) [6 Credits, Internal]. Students will consider the impact of historical factors on the vitality of Te Reo Māori before 1970
  • 1.3 – Te Māori o te Reo – ā-waho (Reading) [6 Credits, External]. Students will learn about the Māori principles that are reflected in the words and structures of the language
  • 1.4 – Te Tika o te Reo – ā-waho (Writing) [6 Credits, External]. Students will learn how to use language accurately

Continuation of subject: NCEA Level 2 Te Reo Māori.

Form 6 (NCEA Level 2)

Prerequisites: Successful completion of the Form 5 Te Reo Māori course or by consultation with the Head of Te Reo Māori.

Course description/aims: The Form 6 Te Reo Māori course aims to expand students’ ability to understand, speak, read, and write in Te Reo Māori. Students will take part in general conversation with speakers of Te Reo Māori, understand most of what is said, and contribute relevant comments. Students will be able to explain and discuss many of their own ideas and opinions, using the language creatively, and they will be able to read a variety of authentic Te Reo Māori materials and write expressively for a range of purposes.

Course outline: 

  • Hītori a iwi (Iwi history)
  • Manaakitanga (hospitality)
  • Ōku Wawata (my aspirations)
  • Purākau (ancient myths and legends)
  • Tangihanga (funeral)
  • Matariki (Pleiades – open cluster of stars)

Methods of assessment:

  • 2.1 – Whakarongo kia mōhio ki te reo o te ao torotoro (Listening) [4 Credits, Internal]
  • 2.5 – Waihanga tuhinga auaha, i te reo o te ao torotoro (Writing) [6 Credits, Internal]
  • 2.3 – Pānui kia mōhio ki te reo o te ao torotoro (Reading) [6 Credits, External]
  • 2.4 – Tuhi i te reo o te ao torotoro (Writing) [6 Credits, External]

Continuation of subject: NCEA Level 3 Te Reo Māori.

Form 7 (NCEA Level 3)

Prerequisites: Successful completion of the Form 6 Te Reo Māori course or by consultation with the Head of Te Reo Māori.

Course description/aims: The Form 7 Te Reo Māori course aims to further expand students’ ability to use the language accurately and fluently to inform, persuade and entertain in all situations. Students will communicate about certainty and uncertainty, possibility, and probability, and develop arguments and points of view, with reasons. They will also learn to use language features such as idiomatic expressions and metaphor.

Course outline:

  • Haka and Waiata
  • Ngā Poropiti Māori
  • Te Ao Torangapu
  • Te Whakarauora Reo

Methods of assessment:

  • 3.1 – Whakarongo kia mōhio ki te reo Māori o te ao whānui (Listening) [4 Credits, Internal]
  • 3.3 – Pānui kia mōhio ki te reo Māori o te ao whānui (Reading) [6 Credits, External]
  • 3.4 – Tuhi i te reo Māori o te ao whānui (Writing) [6 Credits, External]
  • 3.5 – Waihanga tuhinga whai take i te reo Māori o te ao whānui (Writing) [6 Credits, Internal]

If you have any further questions please contact our staff today.