Music News
Performing Arts Awards
Auckland Grammar School is proud to acknowledge its talented musicians and performers.
Click here for the list of students who received Colours at the 2024 Colours and Performing Arts Assembly held on Monday 3 December.
Music Lesson Timetables
Lesson timetables are accessible via the School website. Students are encouraged to check their timetables weekly, preferably the day before their lesson. Any last-minute changes will be communicated through Assembly notices or directly by the itinerant teacher or Music staff.
Absences: Students must notify both their itinerant teacher and the Music Administrator via email for any planned or unplanned absences.
Attendance and Progress
Parents, please note: school-provided music lessons are conditional upon satisfactory attendance and progress.
- Practice Recommendations:
- Beginners: 20-30 minutes, at least five days a week
- Advanced Players: Double the above time
Learning an instrument requires consistent effort but offers immense rewards. Successful musicians demonstrate motivation, coordination, concentration, determination, and resilience. These skills align with high-level processing and problem-solving abilities, setting students apart for university applications or employment.
Assembly Performances
Premier Music groups perform regularly at assemblies throughout the year. Performance schedules are available in the Music Department and on the School Schedule (performance uniform is required).
Performance Group Membership
Registration is via an online form and video submission.
Registration Process:
- Junior Level (ABRSM Grade 2-4): Click here to register.
- Premier Groups (ABRSM Grade 5+): Click here to register.
- Re-audition for current members: Students currently in a music group must re-audition for Premier group membership for the upcoming year. Click here to re-audition.
Students may be required to attend an in-person audition based on their video submissions.
Membership Fee
An annual non-refundable fee of $50 applies to all music group members. This fee supports sheet music, photocopying, specialist teachers, and workshops. Charges will be invoiced through the Parent Portal as needed.
- Commitment to a music group requires mandatory attendance at all rehearsals and performances
- Students should arrive promptly, allowing time to warm up and tune before rehearsals
- Planned absences must be approved by the Group Director in advance via email
- In case of illness, students should notify the Director via email before the rehearsal if possible
Parent Portal charges
Charges for itinerant music lessons, instrument hire, locker hire, and group membership will be added to the Parent Portal starting from Term 1 and updated as required throughout the year. Prompt payment of these charges is appreciated.