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Daily Notices

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Tue 17 Sep 2024



Cambridge certificates

Cambridge certificates for the November examinations will arrive in school in March next year. Students currently in Form 6 and will receive their certificates in person.

Leavers: you will be contacted when certificates are ready and you will be able to collect your certificates from School. If you are moving away from Auckland and therefore unable to collect your certificate, you can arrange for your certificate to be couriered to you. You will need to confirm your address and contact details with us, and the form for this is available on your GrammarNet dashboard now.


NCEA Derived Grades

You may apply for a derived grade for an NCEA external standard if you have been selected, by a registered National Body, to represent your country in a nationally selected team in a sport or approved activity. If you believe you might be eligible, you must request pre-approval, as soon as you have confirmation of selection. Applications cannot be approved after the event has taken place – pre-approval is required. Individuals or teams chosen by invitation, an application process or competition winners do not meet the criteria for national selection. If you wish to find out more information, you must see Mr Maguire.



Junior Volleyball

Team lists are now posted on the volleyball notice board outside the Sports Centre. Junior Colts, Blue, and Gold teams will start training next term, Junior A please meet in the Sports Centre after school. Can Yi (3C), Ng (4K) and Ferguson (4L) also please attend.

Room Changes

Room Changes

3A English

Go to Te Ara for English today.

Room Changes

3R Technology

3R technology class please go to Te Ara for your lesson today.

Room Changes

Mr Coxhead's Form 4 Engineering

Go to B9 period 2 today.