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Daily Notices

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Tue 3 Sep 2024



Cambridge certificates

Cambridge certificates for the November examinations will arrive in school in March next year. Students currently in Form 6 and will receive their certificates in person.

Leavers: you will be contacted when certificates are ready and you will be able to collect your certificates from School. If you are moving away from Auckland and therefore unable to collect your certificate, you can arrange for your certificate to be couriered to you. You will need to confirm your address and contact details with us, and the form for this is available on your GrammarNet dashboard now.


NCEA Derived Grades

You may apply for a derived grade for an NCEA external standard if you have been selected, by a registered National Body, to represent your country in a nationally selected team in a sport or approved activity. If you believe you might be eligible, you must request pre-approval, as soon as you have confirmation of selection. Applications cannot be approved after the event has taken place – pre-approval is required. Individuals or teams chosen by invitation, an application process or competition winners do not meet the criteria for national selection. If you wish to find out more information, you must see Mr Maguire.


Scholarship - Biology

The final Biology Scholarship tutorial this term is in S3 at 8:00am tomorrow.


Scholarship - Classics

There will be a tutorial today after school in C2 for students choosing the Greek option in Section B. There will be a tutorial tomorrow after school for those choosing the Roman option.


Term 3 Examination Absences

You are reminded if you know that you will be absent from School on the day of an examination, you must obtain pre-approved Headmaster’s Leave. Failure to do so will result in a mark of zero.


Term 3 Examination timetable and Clash List

Any student with a clash in the upcoming examinations must consult with the draft Clash List that has been published on the noticeboard in the corridor between A10 & A11 for their individualised solution. If there is a problem with the solution offered, please see Mr Oram. The deadline for confirming the clash list is tomorrow.



Duke of Edinburgh - Silver/Gold

There is a meeting in C16 during Interval today in preparation of the Qualifying Journey at the end of the year.


Speech Competitions

Students competing in the speech competitions should meet in A15 after school today.

Student Services

Student Services

Attention students joining the Navy in 2025

Any students who have applied to join the Navy for 2025, please see Ms. van Deventer in Student Services.

Student Services

Course Planning Session with University of Auckland

Form 7 students interested in attending The University of Auckland are invited to join representatives from the various faculties, including Health Sciences, Law, and Commerce. To be held in Te Ara, Tuesday, 10 September, Period 8 onwards. To register, see Ms. van Deventer in Student Services or sign up on the GrammarNet/Student Services page.



Choir Rehearsals

There will be no Grammar Voices rehearsal this week.
Grammarphonics will have a rehearsal before school on Wednesday this week in M2A.


Vocal Lessons

Vocal lessons for all Option Music Students have been rescheduled to take place on Wednesday this week (see timetable).
All other Vocal lessons (usually held on Tuesdays and Fridays) are cancelled.




There is a meeting in H2 during interval today for all students wishing to participate in sprinting, jumping, and throwing trainings.


Rugby - Under 14

Meeting at lunchtime today in D4.


Table Tennis

Matches are on as usual on Friday this week, despite the mid-term break.

Room Changes

Room Changes

Dr Etty's Form 7 History

Go to Te Ara period 4 today.

Room Changes

Mr Kensington's 4E English

Go to Te Ara period 1 today.

Room Changes

Mr McClelland's A2 Physics

Go to T10 for all periods this week.