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Daily Notices

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Thu 20 Jun 2024



Internal Assessment Extension Applications

While it is essential that you are in School, completing class work and internal assessments, if at all possible, if you are unwell, the School would prefer that you are at home recovering and not at School potentially infecting others.

If you have missed or will miss an internal assessment deadline or in-class assessment and you have a legitimate reason for being absent, you may be eligible for an extension.

You can collect an application form for an extension to a deadline on an internal assessment from Student Reception. You must do so on the day you return to School, and be ready to provide a medical certificate as supporting evidence for your application.

If you missed class time as the result of an approved School activity, you do not need to complete the extension application form.


Physics study sessions

The Physics study session is this afternoon from 3:30-5pm in Physics Lab P4.


Term 2 Clash List

This is the final reminder for any student with a clash in the upcoming examinations that they must consult with the draft Clash List on the noticeboard in the corridor between A10 & A11 for their individualised solution. If there is a problem with the solution offered, please see Mr Oram. The deadline for confirming the clash list is tomorrow.


UE Literacy

There will be a meeting in L7 at lunchtime today for all F7 students who need assistance with meeting UE literacy requirements. Please see Ms McGowan if you are unable to attend.



Change to notifications about overdue school library books

Notices advising that your school library books are overdue will now be emailed to your school email account, as will reminders of when your books are due back. Please make sure you are checking your school email weekly.



The committee must attend a meeting in LS2 at lunch time.


Programming Group

Meet in T10 at lunchtime today.


World Vision Collection Day

World Vision is a community of change-makers helping the most vulnerable children, in the most difficult places, to overcome poverty and injustice. Tomorrow, before assembly, the group will be collecting cash donations to support the cause. You will also be able to donate via Eftpos machines at interval at the front of hall.

Student Services

Student Services

STAR Enrichment Courses for July School Holidays

STAR Course registration is now open for students interested in learning new skills and exploring career pathways. For more information, please see Ms. van Deventer in Student Services or check our GrammarNet page.



Cultural Night 2024

Auckland Grammar School Cultural Night, hosted by the Headmaster’s Cultural Committee, will be held tomorrow night.

This Cultural Evening showcases the cultures & talents of Grammar students. There are a wide range of performances: Kapa Haka group, Samoan group, Tongan Group, Lion & Dragon dance, Diablo, Chamber Music, Theatre Sports, Pipe band, an Indian Musical item, a Sri Lankan Song, Nanta and Korean Modern Dance.

Doors open at 6:30pm, entry is $5, and all staff and students are welcome.


Headmaster's Heritage Committee

Meeting for all members today at interval in H3.


Pasifika Groups Samoan

Meeting in Room H5 at the beginning of lunchtime today.




A reminder that students interested in competing in the Athletics Nationals in December this year can pick up the relevant documents from H2 during interval and lunchtime today.


Table Tennis

Meeting at interval today in B6 for all Table Tennis players. Term 3 teams to be registered.

Room Changes

Room Changes

3M Science

Go to L3, period 1 today

Room Changes

Miss Forster's 7A2 English Class

Please go to the computer suite in Te Ara p.5.

Room Changes

Mr Wright's 5th Form Trades

All classes to T4 today.

Room Changes

Mr Wright's Level 2 Trades and Construction

Go to TA1 p.4 today.

Room Changes

Mr. Warburton's Level 2 Business Studies

Go to T10 p.2 and p.3

Room Changes

Period 1 Science

Mr Ben's Level 2 Biology go to A1
Ms Lee's 3M Science go to L3
Mr Paterson's 4A Science class go to L5