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Daily Notices

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Mon 10 Jun 2024



External Examinations

There are external examinations in school at the moment. If you see one of the 'Exams in Progress' signs, please move away quietly.


Scholarship - Physics

Reminder of the Scholarship Physics tutorial today after school in Physics lab P6 from 3:15 pm.


Scholarship Biology

Biology Scholarship students who placed an order for the Workbook need to check and sign their names on the message posted outside the Biology Office by the end of the day, Wednesday this week.




There is a meeting at lunchtime, in LS3, for all committee and sub-committee leaders.


MTG Group

No meeting today. Friday meeting will operate as usual.

Student Services

Student Services

Careers Evening

Our Annual Careers Evening is Tuesday 11 June at St Cuthbert's College from 6-9 pm. You can find the programme on the Student Services Page on GrammarNet or our website.

Student Services

University of Otago (Auckland)

An Information Evening is being held Tuesday 18 June, at 6.30 pm at Ellerslie Event Centre. Full details can be found on the Student Services GrammarNet Page.



Debating - Junior Open

All Third and Fourth Form students in the Junior Open Debating competition are to meet after school at Epsom Girls' Grammar School.


Media Group

Meeting today at lunchtime in A1.


Tongan Group

There is a meeting for the Tongan Cultural Group in S4 at interval.



Distance Squad

Students who are taking part in the New Zealand Secondary Schools Cross-Country Championships this weekend are to meet in C16 during Interval today.


Duathlon - Auckland Championships

Meeting for all students competing at Pukekohe tomorrow at lunchtime in H4.



All students registered for the Auckland Secondary School's Skiing on 20th June, please meet in B2 at Interval today.

Room Changes

Room Changes

4E English

Go to Te Ara period 3 today.

Room Changes

4M English

4M English go to E4 for English today.

Room Changes

Biology room changes, p.4

Mr McEntee's Level 2 Biology go to D3
Mr Paterson's AS Biology go to E7
Ms Carswell's 4E Science go to P5

Room Changes

Dr Carr's Pre-Q Chemistry

Go to Te Ara p.4 today.

Room Changes

Mrs Etty's 7th Form English

Go to TA1, p.5 and 6 today